How These Two Owners Made $800k in 2-months By Copying Content

In the digital age, content is king. But what if I told you that two entrepreneurs made a whopping $800k in just two months, not by creating unique content, but by copying it?

Sounds unbelievable, right? But it’s true. Let’s dive into their story and see what we can learn.

The Problem

Creating unique, engaging content is a time-consuming process. It requires research, creativity, and a deep understanding of the audience’s needs and interests. Moreover, getting this content to rank high on search engines is another challenge. This is the problem that our two entrepreneurs were facing.

The Solution

Instead of spending countless hours creating content, they devised a different strategy. They used expired domains and copied content from various sources. But they didn’t just copy and paste the content. They ensured proper internal linking and made the content readable and engaging. This strategy might sound simple, but it’s not as easy.

The Science Behind How It Worked

Search engines have complex algorithms that determine how content is ranked. These algorithms consider various factors, including the quality and relevance of the content, the number of backlinks, and the user experience on the website. Our entrepreneurs found a loophole in these algorithms and exploited it to their advantage.

The Steps They Took

  1. Acquiring an Expired Domain: They started by acquiring an expired domain. Expired domains often have a certain level of authority and trust built up, which can be beneficial for SEO.
  2. Copying and Pasting Content: They copied and pasted content from various sources on their website. However, they didn’t copy the content verbatim. They made sure to pick and choose relevant paragraphs and arrange them in a way that made sense.
  3. Ensuring Proper Internal Linking: Internal linking is crucial for SEO. It helps search engines understand the content on the website and improves the user experience.
  4. Making the Content Readable and Engaging: Despite the content being copied, they ensured it was readable and engaging. They used clear language, broke down complex ideas, and included compelling calls to action.

What you may be asking:

  • Can this method still work today?
  • What are the risks involved?
  • How can one avoid getting penalized by search engines?

The Owners’ History with SEO and Blogging

Before they embarked on this venture, the two entrepreneurs had a rich history in the world of SEO and blogging. They were not novices; they had years of experience under their belts.

  1. SEO Experience: Both owners had a deep understanding of search engine optimization. They knew how search engines worked, the importance of keywords, the role of backlinks, and the impact of user experience on rankings. They had spent years optimizing websites, analyzing traffic data, and staying up-to-date with the latest SEO trends and algorithm updates.
  2. Blogging Experience: Apart from SEO, they were also seasoned bloggers. They knew how to create engaging content, promote their blogs, and build a loyal readership. They understood the importance of consistency, quality, and authenticity in blogging.
  3. Failures and Lessons: Like most entrepreneurs, their journey was not always smooth. They had their fair share of failures. Some blogs didn’t take off, SEO strategies didn’t yield results, and websites were penalized by search engines. But with each failure, they learned valuable lessons that helped refine their strategies.

The Downfall: Losing Traffic and Google’s Action

Despite their initial success, things took a turn for the worse. Their traffic started to decline, and their earnings followed suit. Here’s what happened:

  1. Sudden Drop in Traffic: One day, they noticed a significant drop in their website traffic. The number of visitors to their site, which used to be in the thousands, had dwindled to a few hundred. This was a major blow, as their revenue was directly tied to their traffic.
  2. Google’s Penalty: Upon investigating, they found out that Google had penalized their website. Google’s algorithms had detected their content-copying strategy and had demoted their website in search results. This was a major setback, as the majority of their traffic came from Google.
  3. Loss of Revenue: With the drop in traffic, their revenue took a hit. The $800k they had made in two months seemed like a distant memory. They were back to square one, trying to figure out how to recover from this setback.
  4. The Lesson: This experience taught them a valuable lesson about the risks of copying content. While it may provide short-term gains, it can lead to severe penalties in the long run. It reinforced the importance of creating original, high-quality content.

While it’s important to be innovative and find unique ways to drive traffic, ensuring that these methods are ethical and in line with search engine guidelines is equally important.

The Domain

The entrepreneurs used an expired domain for their venture. The exact domain is

It’s important to note that the success of their venture was not due to the domain name itself, but rather their SEO strategy and the way they used the content.

Here’s the transcript of the key takeaways from the video:

  1. “Hey guys, welcome to the channel. Today, we’re going to talk about how we made $800k in two months by copying and pasting content.”
  2. “So, we started with an expired domain. We didn’t want to start from scratch, and an expired domain already has some authority, which is beneficial for SEO.”
  3. “The next step was to find content. We didn’t create our own content. Instead, we copied content from various sources and pasted it on our website.”
  4. “But we didn’t just copy and paste the content. We made sure to pick and choose relevant paragraphs and arrange them in a way that made sense. We also ensured proper internal linking.”
  5. “The result? Our website started ranking high on search engines. We were getting thousands of visitors every day, and we were making a lot of money.”
  6. “But then, things took a turn for the worse. Our traffic started to decline, and our earnings followed suit. Upon investigating, we found out that our website had been penalized by Google.”
  7. “Google’s algorithms had detected our content-copying strategy and had demoted our website in search results. This was a major setback, as the majority of our traffic came from Google.”
  8. “So, what did we learn from this experience? While copying content can provide short-term gains, it can lead to severe penalties in the long run. It’s always better to focus on creating original, high-quality content.”
  9. “Thanks for watching, guys. If you found this video helpful, please like and subscribe. And remember, always play by the rules when it comes to SEO.”

Key Takeaways

The story of these two entrepreneurs provides several key takeaways for anyone looking to succeed in the world of online business and SEO.

  1. The Power of SEO: SEO is a powerful tool that can drive significant traffic and revenue. By understanding and leveraging SEO strategies, the entrepreneurs were able to attract thousands of visitors to their site and generate substantial income.
  2. Shortcuts and Risks: While looking for shortcuts and unique strategies can sometimes lead to quick success, it’s important to understand the risks involved. In this case, the method of copying content led to a severe penalty from Google, resulting in a significant loss of traffic and revenue.
  3. Importance of Original Content: This story underscores the importance of creating original, high-quality content. While copying content might seem like an easy way to fill your website, it’s a strategy that search engines can increasingly detect and penalize.
  4. Value of Ethical Practices: The entrepreneurs’ experience serves as a reminder of the importance of ethical practices in online business. Practices such as copying content can lead to penalties, damage your reputation, and even result in legal issues.
  5. Learning from Failures: Finally, one of the most important takeaways from this story is the value of learning from failures. The entrepreneurs’ setbacks served as a valuable lesson and an opportunity to refine their strategies and approach.

In the online business and SEO world, there are no guarantees of success. It’s a field that requires continuous learning, adaptation, and ethical practices. But with the right approach, it’s possible to achieve significant success.


What is an expired domain? An expired domain is a domain that was previously registered but has not been renewed by the owner. These domains often have a certain level of authority and trust built up, which can benefit SEO.

How does internal linking work? Internal linking refers to linking one page of your website to another page on your website. This helps search engines understand the content on your website and improves the user experience.

How can one make copied content readable and engaging? Even if the content is copied, making it readable and engaging is important. This can be done by using clear language, breaking down complex ideas, and including compelling calls to action.

Can this method still work today?

While it’s technically possible to replicate this method today, it’s highly unlikely to yield the same results. Search engines, especially Google, have become more sophisticated in detecting and penalizing such practices. Moreover, this method is ethically questionable and could lead to legal issues due to copyright infringement. It’s always better to focus on creating original, high-quality content that provides value to your audience.

What are the risks involved?

The risks involved in this method are significant. First and foremost, copying content can lead to severe penalties from search engines, including a drop in rankings or even removal from search results. This can lead to a significant loss of traffic and revenue. Additionally, copying content can lead to copyright infringement issues, resulting in legal action. Finally, it can harm your reputation. Users and other businesses may lose trust in your site if they find out you’re copying content.

How can one avoid getting penalized by search engines?

It’s important to follow SEO best practices to avoid getting penalized by search engines. This includes creating original, high-quality content, optimizing your site for relevant keywords, building high-quality backlinks, and providing a good user experience. It’s also essential to stay up-to-date with the latest algorithm updates and adjust your SEO strategy accordingly.

The Bottom Line

The story of these two entrepreneurs is a testament to the power of creativity and innovation. They found a loophole in the system and exploited it to their advantage. However, it’s important to note that this method comes with its own risks. Copying content can infringe on copyright laws and is generally considered unethical. Moreover, search engines are constantly updating their algorithms to penalize such practices.

That being said, there are lessons to be learned from this story. Key takeaways are the importance of internal linking, the potential benefits of using expired domains, and the need for readable and engaging content. If you’re struggling to create unique content, perhaps it’s time to think outside the box. But remember, while shortcuts may provide temporary success, long-term success is built on authenticity, quality, and value.

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